
What is the Meaning of Life?

Book 2: The Internal Universe | Chapter 2.3 | 26 August 2020

As discussed in the first book of Janthopoyism, there are two questions that are often blurred into one: the purpose of life, and the meaning of life.

The purpose of life/Life is the same for every living being. It is to assist the process of evolution by surviving as long as that being can while reproducing to continue its species.

The meaning is more personal. It is quite literally what gives your specific life meaning in a way that is different to anyone else's meaning. It is how you contribute to the universal evolution by very design. It is comparable to the concept of a "destiny", for lack of a better term. It is what you'll hear us interchangeably refer to as your True Path.

We've been banging on about this from the beginning. There is a portion of the Universal Energy inside of you, and with every moment you are alive it informs you of your meaning. And how does it do this? Through your emotions.

Emotions work on the same principles as bodily sensations. If you shove your hand in a fire, what happens? It hurts. Why? Because the action is bad for you. If someone massages your aching shoulder, what happens? It boosts relief. Why? Because the action is good for you.

Similarly, negative emotions let you know that something is wrong; a warning that you are moving away from your Internal Universe's intentions. It is no mystery that unfavourable vibrations manifest physically, throttling endorphins while dumping cortisol into your bloodstream, leading to hypertension, ulcers, and cancer. Conversely, positive emotions indicate closer proximity to your mission. Note these and follow them. It takes a small amount of practice, but you can quickly develop an awareness of what is buzzing happiness within your Internal Universe or True Self or "inner-God".

The Ancient Greeks always taught this. The word enthusiasm comes from entheos which means "the God within" or "to be possessed by God". Moreover, Neoplatonism emphasises that it is only the absence of goodness that feels bad. In Japan, the Tenrikyo religion states that God created humans purely to enjoy watching us live the "Joyous Life". Even our Judeo-Christian friends in the Bible advise, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22)

There is a spirit inside of you, the True You, recording every thought and action your brain experiences then transferring that data to the Universal Energy. But this process is a trade. The Universal Energy is constantly talking to you, requesting you carry out specific tasks every second of every day. It does so by making these assignments feel good. They are elated callings that differ from person to person at varying degrees to ensure that everyone has a job and everything gets done.

Your responsibilities are sacred to you; the Universal Energy has deemed them so. You must worship the inner and outer energies by providing yourself with as much happiness as you can find. If a path resonates with positivity, then that is the way. If a position does not tickle your vibration, disregard it. The unreasonable proposal here is to enjoy every moment you are alive because negativity directly results from betraying your Internal Universe. It is an impossible goal but the only goal all the same.

The brain may control your actions, but when armed with this knowledge, your mind can train itself to prioritise the pursuit of what your energy loves watching. Sadly, the majority of brains will never arrive at this conclusion. Most people get stuck in the webs of their thoughts until the day they die.

Your brain doesn't know what it wants. It is dwelling in the past by rereading memories, and then weighing up experiences to calculate decisions. It's a robotic system that regularly leads to suffering. Only your Internal Energy knows what you want because the Universal Energy guides it. Your positive emotions draw you towards certain things because the Universal Energy desires you to pursue them. If you can accurately sync up with your path, then the Universe will collaborate by swiping all fruitless obstacles out of the way, allowing you to move forward fast because this course benefits its own evolution.

There is something that you are better at than every other being that has existed. The infinite combinations of each unique human brain living within the endless possibilities of the physical world make this accurate for everyone. It will be something that you enjoy so much that it will require far less effort for you than anyone else. Even the challenges you face along the way will be enjoyable hurdles you desire to conquer. Where others would feel anxiety, you will feel excitement. In addition, it should satisfy a gap in society, meaning people will happily trade their skills for your skills, granting you extra resources to focus even more intensely on your True Path.

Unfortunately, you probably won't ever discover exactly what this thing is. We doubt many ever fully do. But you can get closer and closer by following those movements that rev up your emotions the loudest—specifically, a healthy variation of the passion emotion.

Hinduism always taught this. The Vedic understanding of Dharma explains it perfectly. You have a precise role to play, just like everyone has a precise role to play, working together to balance and evolve the Universal Energy. Similarly, Confucianism tells how Tiān (the celestial aspect of the cosmos) gives each person different tasks to perform to direct them towards a life of advanced virtue.

As the heart and lung are parts of one organism, you are part of a larger organism still. Uncovering your True Path performs a service to the collective but is also a celebration of individualism. The heart must not try to function as a lung and vice versa, or the organism will die. Correspondingly, the closer you stick to your True Path, the better you contribute to maintaining an overall universal system that runs smoothly.

Simply put, your Life is bigger than you, and you must honour it with every shred of your existence.

So what is the meaning of life? That is for you to discover. And you will know you've found it when everything becomes irrelevant in comparison. The conflict that interrupts your journey will be of the highest calibre and you will not even question fighting through it. You will vibrate on a higher plane of certainty, your attention will be acute and unbreakable, and nobody will have the capability to slow you down. An adversary will only encourage you to double your efforts.

In theory, if you can maintain this feeding tube of clear information to the Universe, the powers that be will keep you alive forever. Omg, the secret to eternal life was to fascinate the gods all along! Who knew! Janthopoyism does not officially approve of this hypothesis. But if your brain commits to our teachings, our objective is to fill the rest of your life with its true meaning. The answer lies within your energy and we know how you can reach it. If that sounds like something you're interested in, then you've come to the right place.

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We truly have built a wonderful community with new content posted every day, so it is recommend you join us via that platform.
Currently, the best manner in which to support and contact us is through Instagram.

We truly have built a wonderful community with new content posted every day, so it is recommend you join us via that platform.
Janthopoyism is a spiritual philosophy meets self-improvement program.
We view the Absolute collection of all Universal Energy to be the highest power. You are part of that power. You are an extension of divinity.
The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

Join the movement before it becomes too mainstream.

© All words by Jared Woods, 2023