
How to Deal with Other Human Beings

Book 4: The Bridge of Offerings | Chapter 4.5 | 23 February 2021

Janthopoyism is a philosophy that exists without judgement. It is the understanding that you're a component of divinity no matter who you are and what path you choose. The Universal Energy is experiencing the world using each unique brain as a tool. What a blessed thought!

However, Janthopoyism is also a belief system intended to service evolution. Therefore, genuine J'oyists seek to benefit progression by achieving as much harmony possible. Yes, conflict is crucial to the evolutionary program, but intentionally creating conflict is to disrupt the advancement of others, and that is not the Janthopoyist way. Leave the conflict to the Universe! Strive for win/win whenever a situation calls for your input! You'll know you truly grasp Janthopoyism when you'd rather rattle your own evolution than someone else's because you are working from a higher plane of awareness. From here, one can easily fix any hiccups on their path, while meddling in a separate journey may take a spin for the worse. What might another have achieved for humanity had you left their journey alone? What better influences would have come along if you'd focused on your personal narrative? Unless we are discussing your offspring or a human who has explicitly requested your guidance, another storyline is none of your business. Sorry to burst your ego, but despite what your brain has dubbed itself, you are not the expert on what is the best for anybody else's development. You don't know where their path could lead.

Hence, this chapter is about living and letting live. We aim to collaborate with our immediate environments with such positivity that our contributions will forever be remembered fondly by paths that bump into ours. You will enhance the atmosphere around you in a joyous fashion. You will gently provide nourishment to everyone's evolution, and as a result, the development of the collective organism of which we are all part as well. In turn, you will receive the spiritual warmth that comes with this honourable approach. We salute you as we pass these words on to you.

According to Janthopoyism, the only division is the division of each individual mind unavoidably compartmentalising itself (Internal Universes) from everything else (the External Universe). Race, class, gender, age, sexuality, education, location, beliefs... these attributes are irrelevant to the indistinguishable electrons buzzing within us irrespective of how severely the brain has strangled it. Every person you come into contact with carries a portion of the Universal Energy, which recognises the Universal Energy inside of you—two small parts of an infinitely larger picture. Your brains register a separation, but you are still identical on a spiritual and molecular level.

The Universe is growing as a singular entity, experiencing new things through complex combinations of mental material that have never existed before. Discernible differences between personalities are treasures. We should not seek to dampen them. We do not want to agree on everything. As Stephen Covey says, "If two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary". Everyone's route is designed to be one-of-a-kind because any repeated track is redundant to the Universal Energy. There is no right or wrong way to live. Each of us is here to advance, and in so doing, simultaneously create and resolve conflict until we die.

Sometimes a human will lose grip of their path, and they may ask for help. Such an occurrence should be treated as Life itself requesting your assistance. It is divinity deliberately reaching out for your hand. Give the benefit of the doubt. Aid this individual as a matter of duty, especially if they have never requested your assistance before. Do so without expecting a return. Do so without telling anyone of your charitable deeds. Of course, if a person repeatedly exploits your kindness, then there will come the point when refusal is the most constructive option for both parties. But even in these times of not helping, there is no reason to do any harm.

Spreading clean energy does not have to be a philanthropic chore either—quite the opposite. The greatest method to support others is to follow the way that summons joy within you. Do not be guilted into heeding traditional routes of charity. Approach your happiness from the angle where it will directly serve your community. Turn your passion into presents. Offer your gifts as gifts, and everybody wins. Determine a humanitarian avenue that you want to pursue.

Embarrassingly, one unavoidable human trait is that almost everything we say or do is laced with ulterior motives to benefit ourselves. We intend our efforts to bring about specific outcomes. Even the most generous of individuals value how their compassion makes them feel. Sometimes we wish to influence; sometimes we wish to enhance; sometimes we merely wish to be understood. To throttle this natural action is a task too great for the majority of us and wholly unnecessary. Instead, alter your mission to encourage delight inside every character you meet, including yourself. Your intent is acceptable as long as it is driven by kindness. The basic consideration of another person's comfort is intrinsic to this scripture's teachings. If you want anything other than peace for every being on this planet (including those you dislike), you expose only your pain, and in this state it will be a struggle to reap your True Path's profits. Don't forget: the more people you are on good terms with, the more seamless avenues the Universe has with which to deliver beneficial messages to you anyway.

You must celebrate the world (all of the world!) with a willingness to hear every idea, yet you must never let go of the scepticism required to question everything. This attitude rings particularly valid when it comes to your convictions. As soon as you accept an absolute "truth", you close every other door. Do not fully make your mind up about anything or anyone, for once you do, it is a complicated knot to get undone. You will become rigid and agitated when facing a contrasting view. You may want to shout at someone's brain because your brain has told your brain that it is the correct brain. It's crazy talk.

Loudly proclaiming your opinion as the gospel is not the way. If someone else declares their opinion as the gospel, to knock them down is not the way either. If words are rubbing you into discomfort, there is something here to learn about yourself. The very fact that a person can provoke upset from you reflects yourself, not them. Do not succumb to the compulsion of spewing your views out, as you will uncover nothing, and you are not the authority to teach. Instead, request additional information to understand different positions. Seek to bring your energies to the same level and then grow together. Ask the right brain the right question, and they will provide answers you never had the mental mark-up to conjure. If you must guide anyone's viewpoint in a direction, do so by praising the parts you like rather than attacking the parts you don't. And no matter how contradictory your minds may be, remain secretly amused by the both of you, for only then are you in tune with the absurdity of this insignificant dissimilarity.

"If you can cultivate the right attitude, your enemies are your best spiritual teachers because their presence provides you with the opportunity to enhance and develop tolerance, patience and understanding." — 14th Dalai Lama

Conversation is a tennis match of conditioned responses at the best of times. Try as you might, your energy won't connect with everyone. If this division occurs yet you still force your outlook upon others, this is a non-consensual act. You will never educate people who do not desire education. Attempting to convince an individual of your stance is a sure sign of uncertainty. The only reason you would try to convince someone of something is because you feel that once they're convinced, it makes you right. It does not. It means your brain has convinced itself of its correctness and has now managed to convince another brain to convince itself of your correctness, a vain or even dangerous achievement from the greater perspective. There is always the possibility you are incorrect and have spread your convictions like a disease.

It may help to compare our brains to dogs. Some dogs bark at each other, others make friends and sniff butts. You must take responsibility for your brain and train it correctly. But don't get mad at another animal that has been forced into abnormal conditions. That would be unfairly cruel. Every dog has a history, and every pup deserves love despite its circumstantial conditioning.

You'll know you've reached your truth when you don't need to convince anyone else about it because you've found peace. You do not grow by shoving your theories into people's faces. You grow by kindly querying their views until you comprehend them better. So, let us ask you a question: what's more important to you? For the world to believe what you believe? Or for you to expand as a person, forever suckling at the nectar of Life then using it to infinitely serve the evolution of all future beings? Choose wisely.

Sometimes two human energies will connect on a profound level—even at times with a stranger! You should surrender to the flow of exchange during these moments, sharing your philosophies as you receive theirs, amalgamating and cocreating perspectives. There is no need to worry about anything if your energy runs high and free. When it comes to familiar friends or fresh energetic equivalents, the joyful rapport will call for chatter or movements absent of contemplation. Act immediately and without reservation, as you can't help it anyway. It just happens! These partnerships vibrate with vigour; your energy is uncontrollable in the best of ways; you are unified, you are automated, you are the river.

In more complex territories we have intense conversations that lean into the friction of debates. Again, this can be profitable if the energy is suitable. If the dynamic is well established, a touch of heat can become a powerful vehicle because you know where you stand. The bouncing of ideas will sharpen one another's cases, both eager to get your point across but open to learning from a human you respect. It's a thrill! But note when your emotion takes a twist for the negative. Watch out for frustration, anger, or arrogance. Select your words carefully and use fewer of them. Catch your mouth before it says something loaded or off-topic to offend your company into submission. Personal attacks or name-calling are sure warnings that you've lost control. Yank the handbrake and pause for a breather as soon as this reaction pokes your insides. Whatever has caused this agitation is significant as it has exposed a weakness in your mind, your internals spiking as a result. There is a lesson here. Do not aggravate it further. Laugh it off and investigate it once you find calm.

And be wary of intoxication, for inebriated energy is volatile.

Sometimes, the people you love will change. Sometimes, you will change. Recognise when mutual contributions are no longer enriching and gently move away. Make a conscious but quiet effort to loosen the relationship, or at the very least strive to avoid subjects that cause a hazardous vibration between the two of you. If certain personalities are constant triggers to energy-spiking, register this without ever telling them. Be forever polite but too busy moving forward for the disruption. Hatred or even dislike are massive expenditures of energy and grant others more authority. It is better to drift apart than to build an adverse rapport that may become permanent. On that logic, there is never a reason for a loud dramatic exit. One can always nurture a former bond back to health. Just give it space to chill if the time calls for it.

Whenever relationships turn sour, the pursuit of atonement is not about the other person; it's about you. Unclogging the gloomy fuzz that burdens an unresolved fallout will allow your energy to move freely without the mind stirring painful memories. The stream of enlightenment is as simple as letting go with the flow, but occasionally you will need to rip off the band-aid to face in the downward direction. Treat people and situations the same way as you treat Life, according to Janthopoyism. Execute your amends with calm, rational judgment. Keep your emotions light whilst sticking to your core principles. Kill the parts you hate with love. Focus on someone's virtues, and those will blossom while you ignore their negative qualities into obscurity. Forever aim to compliment rather than complain, and they will morph into a human of your design. And following that breath, plant the version of yourself you want to be into other heads, and watch yourself manifest differently in their eyes.

The synchronisation of energy is a two-person dynamic. If someone brings out the worst in you, do not blame that someone. It is merely a pair of currents that cannot connect. Identify those who summon what emotion from you. Accept that not everyone will appreciate you. Accept that you won't appreciate everyone. Accept that it's no one's fault. There are no such things as good or bad souls, just neurological reactions to immediate environments to which the energy responds. If it's not a fit, move on. You have ample value to bless the right people. You have nothing to offer the wrong people. Don't waste your energy on encounters that will not promote your evolution. The company you keep will dictate an unfathomable amount of your manifested reality. Success and health are contagious. You must select your circle intentionally. Surround yourself with warm vibes as a rule.

Do not beat yourself up when you get this wrong, for you will get this wrong many times over. All you can reasonably demand from yourself is to keep learning. Education on any topic will gather healthier exchanges from those worthy, while the ignorant will lose their ability to reach your level. You can leave the latter behind in serenity, confident that they have nothing new to teach you.

The following statement may be deemed controversial, but when it comes to damaged human relationships, to assume the role of the victim is to surrender control. Demand ownership. If someone is mistreating you, you are the one being mistreated. It is your problem, so walk away. If you don't walk away, then you are your problem. If you genuinely can't walk away, make peace that this is the Universal Energy's conflict for you today. Transcend the best you can and wait patiently until you can depart.

Finally, there will be those instances when the turmoil runs too deep, and the above suggestions do not reap the results you crave. If so, find solace in your own channel. You are not here to perpetually succeed. You are here to live with the knowledge that you did everything you could from a place of love. If you did so, then at this moment and in these circumstances, it was not your time, nor were you to blame.

Now, some brains sincerely believe they are destined to change the course of history. In fact, most brains that did transform history lived by this sentiment. If you are one of those who wish to lead, then lead by example. You can never be right for everybody, but you can be proudly right for yourself. By loudly living in a way that's true to your path while exclusively contributing positive inspiration to everyone you come into contact with, you will obtain your army. And once you have your army, those who weren't ready to listen will start listening. Spread dopamine wherever you are, and the world will follow you wherever you go.

The only declaration any genuine influencer should ever make is this:
"Look at me. Look at my life. If you want a life like mine, then I can show you the way."

If your life is not in a position where others desire the same, you should not try to guide anybody anywhere.

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Janthopoyism is a spiritual philosophy meets self-improvement program.
We view the Absolute collection of all Universal Energy to be the highest power. You are part of that power. You are an extension of divinity.
The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

Join the movement before it becomes too mainstream.

© All words by Jared Woods, 2023