Upgrading the Biological Operating Systems of Future Generations
Book 1: The External Universe | Chapter 1.6 | 29 July 2020
Evolution is the most essential part of Janthopoyism's teachings when it comes to the External Universe.
Conflict that is thrust upon Life causes data to be passed down through generations, altering their genetic markup to better equip them to survive in ever-changing environments. If a species faces no regular enemies, they fall stagnant on the evolutionary chain. If a species is suddenly under threat, its biology is forced to adapt quickly or perish.
This type of progression also happens in real-time with information traded, skills learned, cultural influence etc. It is commonly confused as a nature vs nurture debate when they are the same. The nurture and the reaction to said nurture is always a result of natural evolution.
Everything is an element of this evolution without fail, and it is impossible for anything to be unnatural. People tend to exclusively associate "natural" concepts with the "nature" of the Earth. However, nature is a universal miracle that preexisted Earth, one that we evolved with as part of the Universe like everything else. Humans are not a plague to the planet like some say. We are a hyper-exciting element of it, for better and for worse.
"Everything is as it should be. Do you think the Universe made a mistake? Do you think you know more about the evolution of the cosmos than the cosmos itself? Get over your ego, man!" - Janthopoyism Proverb
If the once primitive intelligence of Homo sapiens leapt forward for reasons of diet or reproduction or even alien intervention, this was still the natural evolution of the Universe at work. Tearing down forests to build pollution factories or plundering ecosystems for leisurely conveniences does seem unnatural, but this is the direction we evolved in from this very same nature. We are also nature. Nature itself could very well have designed itself as a gradual self-destructing entity; we do not know.
Regardless, our awareness of these damaging conflicts has risen immensely in recent times, and many are opposing the devastation. Negative conversations may always appear sudden and prevalent, but there is hope that the conversations are taking place whatsoever, for only decades ago, they were but whispers between the few. And now, people are pushing back with stronger momentum than ever before, using a brand new form of conflict against the conflict that harms our planet. So we go, on and on, with the knowledge that even if we solved the climate crisis there would be another crisis to take its place, as this is the order of the Cosmo's automated system of conflict.
Thousands upon thousands of years BC, the Vedic scripture taught terms like Mahat (the Universal Cosmic Mind) and Jnana (the knowledge from reality's total experience carried into us via spirit). In 1916, Carl Jung coined the phrase "collective unconscious" to propose a transmission of mental information down our transformative timeline. Examples that support his hypothesis include the mother-child/father-child relationship, the shared understanding of loneliness (even if only endured alone), and common sleepy-dreams (like when your teeth drop out or you can only run in slow-motion). In 1922, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin dropped the title "noosphere" to define an evolutionary development led by consciousness and interpersonal relationships. These ideas could suggest that we are distributing specific thoughts by way of evolution.
Janthopoyism believes that these steps of advancement are achieved by what many comprehend as a Universal Mind/Consciousness. We bundle this term into what makes up the Universal Energy. This unit isn't necessarily a "thinking" being (although it's not necessarily not one) but rather a library that records every action and thought, collecting the entirety of experience in a central place, expanding across the infinity of the Universe, extending back to the beginning. It's like the Internet, except far beyond a human-only level, remembering every moment and every thought that has ever existed everywhere throughout time, space, everything, everything, everything.
Whatever is considered alive (i.e. grows older, heals etc.) is currently contributing to this pool of information (and one could even argue that every electron is alive). We are all passing data through our experiences so that the Universe can use it to evolve faster and better and further into the future. And because this Life Electricity is always the same material, the collected data is distributed among everything. That's why ecological communities of seemingly unrelated organisms develop separately and yet depend on one another for survival.
Various instances in the animal kingdom encourage the notion that everything emerged from and is direct connected to the evolving Universe. Grazing cattle appear to position their bodies in a north-south magnetic alignment, and no one knows why. This magnetic sense is known as magnetoreception and is found in a diverse array of creatures (including molluscs, insects, foxes, and rodents) but is most prevalent in birds, for example, homing pigeons and the billions of Aves classes that migrate seasonally. We've also observed both elephants and chimpanzees perform funeral rites for their dead, a practice which human cultures developed apparently independent of one another too.
Even deeper is what's referred to as the hundredth monkey effect, which indicates that after a certain amount of minds becomes aware of something, other minds automatically become privy to the same information. The phenomenon was named in 1958 when one troop of Kōjima monkeys started washing dirt off their sweet potatoes, a process which other monkeys swiftly adopted on entirely different islands. Interestingly enough, an earlier 1920 Harvard study by William McDougall arrived at a similar conclusion. He subjected rats to an identical water maze, generation after generation, and sure enough, each new age group completed the circuit quicker. This examination demonstrated that rodents retained some ancestral learning at birth.
The belief in inherent telepathic-like interconnective memory is often called "morphic resonance" (Rupert Sheldrake in 1981), and studies are not limited to animals. Monica England made a fascinating human-related discovery in 1991, known as the crossword puzzle phenomenon. Here, she showed that people who tackled an Evening Standard crossword puzzle ten days after publication consistently knew 5% more answers than those who had attempted it on the morning of release. These findings were congruent with McDougall's rat data, except with an even faster conduction of experience.
As you would expect, the scientific community has expressed great reluctance to such hypotheses. Numerous scientists reject the collective conscious viewpoint, performing experiments that strive to contradict any of the above revelations. This mode of debunking does not surprise us in the slightest, as it is yet another case of confirmation bias working in both directions. The seeker will always be more inclined to find evidence that supports what they seek.
However, we'd like to take a moment to contemplate the quantum entanglement physical occurrence, which is 100% accepted by quantum mechanic scholars thanks to research done by Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, and, perhaps most importantly, John Stewart Bell. In simplified language, it proves that if we observe paired particles at separated locations, even light-years away, they communicate by reflecting opposite properties instantaneously. This measurement alone confirms that data trading between electrons is not bound by the laws of space as we understand them. Spooky, right? So spooky, in fact, that Einstein officially referred to the curiosity as "Spooky Action at a Distance".
Following this thought, could awareness be transferred from a flower on Earth to a hypothetical alien worm born galaxies away? If the Universal Consciousness exists and a flower's comprehension of growth proved useful to the space worm's progression, that would be a logical system, would it not? All in theory, of course. Everything in theory.
But considering the mounting references we've provided, it seems rational to consider the Universal Energy as a potential process that collects knowledge then uses said knowledge to evolve itself through infinite means, including manifested materials such as you and me. We are a very tiny part of this story. But we are a crucial part all the same, like how removing the tiniest cog in a gigantic clock would jeopardise the overarching operation.
These ideas are nothing new in philosophical, biological, and quantum debates. However, one particular theory is much less discussed, let alone acknowledged by scientific studies, yet we at Janthopoyism wholeheartedly agree in its possibility.
And it's that the Universal Mind is available for you to access right now.