Skew: Spirit
Book 5: The External Worship | Chapter 5.7 | 29 April 2021
Please look at the symbol of Janthopoyism and note the five dots. These shapes represent the five Skews, and it is the Spirit that you'll find inside the circle. This Skew is the one that links the External to the Internal. Suppose Health is the root of the pile with the capability to topple everything over. In that case, Spirit is the syrup that dribbles down the stack, lifting the others to even higher levels of golden satisfaction.
In time, Janthopoyism suspects that mental health will fall out of favour for the combination of physical fitness and spiritual health. From our viewpoint, the mind is nothing but the unification of biological tissue and the neurological electricity that powers it. Ensure you have an abundance of the cleanest chemicals and emotional peace within yourself, and unwavering joy will eternally be yours. It's also important to manage your expectations and accept this will (probably) never fully happen.
Even more annoying is that Spirit is the most obscure of the Skews, complex to explain and tricky to connect to. But we'll give it a go!
The Spirit Skew deals with many invisible concepts, but we can broadly consider it one of
existentialism. A person may have reached the peak of their physique, married the apple of their eye with a first-class social crowd, relaxing in their dream mansion while working a high-paying job within the field of their passion. And yet, they still feel lost, as if something profound is missing. It's the question of why the individual is here, what purpose does their life have, and would their ultimate death even matter in the grand scheme of things.
Those who have a deeper connection to a Higher Power (irrespective of what their brain thinks this term means) will have smaller troubles in the Spirit subject. Through religion or other spiritual studies, they can effortlessly define these celestial ideas, finding comfort where the Universe sits from their perspective and accessing it via their form of worship, be it prayer, meditation, or specific rituals. Even those who dedicate their attention to the Janthopoyism scripture should easier click into this vibe.
However, our non-theistic friends may struggle to satisfy this component of the Skew System. Those who have advocated their minds over their energetic intuitions seek proof for the unprovable, and we must respect this well-documented point on the human timeline of evolution. But the trouble comes when non-believers find themselves unable to shake that overwhelming sense of dread despite how plentiful their lives read on paper. There is something undeniably amiss here that needs addressing.
These scriptures have spent many pages attempting to relay an understanding of cosmic mysteries without delving into overblown fairy tales of speculation. If what we said did not flicker a light inside of you, one that brought some harmony with the Universe as a singular entity, then we do hope you attempt it again. Perhaps you'll discover greater luck with independent metaphysical theories of cosmogony/cosmology or quantum mysticism (although these might make it worse!). Regardless, we cannot expect everyone's brain to possess the grooves required to digest the Jantho doctrines. Hence, we have sought other methods to soothe these existential flames of unrest.
It doesn't matter who you are or what you believe. If you wish to increase this Skew's value, the most reliable course is to ensure the world is better off with you being here. Whether you comprehend the Pantheistic reality where the entirety of the Universe is divinity or simply want your existence to have measurable worth, you can achieve it by improving the life/evolution of everything that comes into contact with you. Quite plainly, it's about constant consideration of your effect on immediate external energies. Furthermore, the positive intention you send out will be what returns to you.
This strategy need not be a disruptive chore and will only take minor daily tweaks to gradually grasp what we are proposing. Below are some ideas to get your cogs rotating.
- Don't ever litter. Purchase fewer plastic goods. Recycle what you can without excuses.
- Research and favour ethical products. Eat fewer animals. Finish all of the food you buy.
- Use fewer sheets of toilet paper. Replace the roll when it runs out for the next user.
- Don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth.
- Tend to greenery. Grow vegetation. Plant a tree.
- Contact your family regularly.
- Treat your friends like they are the best thing that ever happened to you.
- Bless your pets with attention and affection. Their health and happiness depend on you; never let them down.
- Greet everyone. Say please and thank you whenever appropriate.
- Never ignore the homeless, even if just a smile. Provide change if you have it. Help anyone who asks (as long as they are not frequently the same asker).
- Accept all differences in people, especially those who disagree with you. Always give the benefit of the doubt.
- Never insult or speak ill of anyone, especially behind their back. Only compliment, only encourage, only use positive terminology.
- Avoid boasting. Play down your achievements. Switch the topic from yourself to your company. Talk less, listen more.
- Never repeat yourself to the same person.
- Do not hoard knowledge. Teach those who desire to be taught. Don't school those who do not.
- Tap the Like button beneath any online media if you liked it, irrespective of the name attached to it. Never comment a hurtful word on the internet.
- Post reviews for the products you like. Go easy on products you don't.
- Always offer credit when credit is due. Always aim for fairness.
- Find ways to leave every room better than you found it. Don't neglect blemishes on the toilet bowl. Clean up hair from the basin and the shower drain. Wash your dishes.
- Tidy up other peoples' messes without making a big deal of it (bar repeat offenders).
- Don't stick gum or snot in places that aren't yours.
- Don't use the water when someone is showering. Don't make noise when people are sleeping.
- Move out of people's way on the sidewalk.
- In the grocery store, let the person behind you shuffle ahead if they have fewer items. Never cut in line yourself.
- Give up your seat for someone (anyone) else.
- Be considerate to those placed around you on a flight.
- Offer to take photos when passing tourists.
- Don't fart near people who won't find it amusing.
You can feel the common thread of basic decency running through these examples and can come up with a list of your own. Sure, following the above suggestions to the letter is a great start, but we are actually training the brain to shift into a different realm of awareness. Christians have one of the sharpest slogans for this response, namely
WWJD. You do not have to believe in Jesus to comprehend the value of this statement. They strive to execute each decision via the eyes of a sinless deity, a wholly unobtainable objective that makes the leap all the more praiseworthy. Once you manage that hesitation for contemplation, you will recognise the arrival of a split road and can implement the action that better assists the evolution of other people and your environment. Pause before making any choice, consciously enforce yourself to the highest standards of pure intentions, and then
do the right thing.
Another worthwhile avenue to explore is that of charity. You'd struggle to find a religion, an organisation, or an individual who doesn't conclude that helping those less fortunate is an admirable pursuit. However, there is a catch. Many people sacrifice a sliver of their paycheck to these worthy foundations as an automated debit, now chuffed that they've done their part and can justify their philanthropic side in pub chatter. By all means, do this, but unfortunately, it won't enhance the Spirit Skew in the slightest. There is no energetic exchange; it is too mechanical and impersonal. You will muster a stronger escalation in your Skew's wellbeing simply by purchasing a sandwich for the hungry man outside the market or handing a generous coin to the lady who has nothing else. It's about human connection, and the more specific the energy you commit, the firmer your rapport with existence will hold. Volunteering your time is an immensely commendable offering. Dedicating your professional skills to improve the situation of others is too. Maximise your passion to directly benefit disadvantaged people, for this is the true Janthopoyism way of win/win. We also encourage a concentrated focus on the underprivileged youth in every regard, as they are the seeds of our evolution.
But here's an even bigger catch: do not tell anyone. The moment you boast about your humanitarian efforts is the exact moment it goes from a genuine act of altruism to yet another self-appointed badge of honour. It destroys the entire goal. Interestingly enough, both the Quran
(Surah Al-Baqarah - 2:271) and the Bible
(Matthew 6:1-2) advise powerful phrases of gifting charity in secret. Give only to serve others, never to serve yourself, or legitimate fulfilment will continue to elude you.
As you may have already noticed, this Spirit Skew frequently brushes sides with the Relationship Skew. This chapter's messages lean more towards the general human race, but treating those close to you with the same love is a large chunk of our conversation. Hence
5.4. Skew: Relationships is worth a revisit during Spirit uncertainty, and you can find additional helpful material throughout our previous scripture. A decent place to look is in Book 4, with the following parts:
4.1. Knowing When to Shut the Hell Up
4.2.Knowing When to Let It All Out
4.3. How to Deal with Other Human Beings
An extra quick trick we have touched on earlier is the emotion of
gratitude. By giving thanks for the things you have, one can realign with the beauties of life, in turn assisting your communication with the spirit immeasurably.
Moving on, and sometimes it's less about what you're
not doing wrong and more about what you
are doing. It is imperative to note that nothing will erode your vitality faster than grinding against your predefined principles. If you choose a path you acknowledge as morally faulty, your energy will take the hit and abandon you in a pit of very icky emotions. This mishap will occur from time to time, as you are human. Use this misalignment as a lesson to understand the mistake, then secure tighter boundaries. Learn from it, and do not repeat it. Otherwise, it's going to manifest something hideous in your life, and you won't enjoy that. Keep the energy clean.
One of the best truths about the Spirit Skew is that the quest itself can be enough to raise your vibration. You will never reach complete spiritual alignment; there will always be long ways to go. But bits will dribble through, and you will grow per each one, forever possessing that advancement once you've obtained it. Absorbing teachings you resonate with from spiritual masters will lunge you a considerable distance forward. But above all, writing your philosophies in your own words will shoot this Skew ahead like no other method known to us. Transfer your thoughts concerning the Universe into text, and you will discover more information than you knew you had. Pen essays on what makes sense to you, and you will activate a different section of the brain. It becomes your voice talking to you, which merges into an internal monologue on a day-to-day basis. Similarly, watch comedy. That super helps the flow.
As initially noted, a healthy Spirit Skew can conquer all. It can dissipate surrounding Skew problems using joy because average human complications wither when you transcend into a wider esoteric picture, and it can secure your world together once you view
every task as worship. However, the Spirit Skew is also the most vulnerable. The rest tend to throw it off track, this category accidentally slipping into the ambiguous dumping ground for any emotional wobble. It's challenging to collaborate with Life when you're sick, or your partner has left you, or your house burns down, or you've lost your income! That is why, like everything, it is a balance of perpetual maintenance. Each healthy Skew is required to propel you along your True Path uninterrupted until you feed evolution the highest quality of yourself that you can access. And no single Skew, not even spirituality, is more critical than any other, despite what numerous faiths will demand you believe.