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Pencil: The Point/Future: The Actual Point

Book 6: The Internal Worship | Chapter 6.7 | 28 July 2021

Once you recognise the Universal Energy as pure divinity and accept that evolution is its only known purpose, then the point of Janthopoyism could not be any clearer. We must do whatever we can to assist this evolution by providing fresh data into the source code, supplying unique ideas for the system to play with, just as it programmed us to do.

But how does one best achieve such a goal? Well, there certainly are a number of ways, but Janthopoyism has determined the following three methods as the most powerful and applicable to anyone.

We covered the first method extensively during Book 4. It is to minimise your disruption of other organisms and their evolutionary paths. Everything is an extension of the Universal Energy, fulfilling their roles in diverse forms, our varied approaches equally important, especially when contradictory. Struggle breeds evolution. Nature requires as much conflicting information from as many sources as possible to learn and progress. If everyone agreed with every position, evolution would cease to exist, and our human race would fall redundant in the operation, perhaps wiped out as a consequence. Even if the entire population decided that Janthopoyism was the lone true religion, that would negate Janthopoyism's intentions in itself.

Luckily, there is no current risk of any belief dominating our collective consciousness because that's how the cosmos designed it, as a process forever running on opposing ideals and incompatible understandings. Hence, by attempting to convince another person of your correctness, you have succumbed to mental ego and have misinterpreted the singular Universal Entity, moving away from your Internal Universe as a result. You are never correct, for we do not live in such an objective realm. Be yourself, be loud about being yourself, and appreciate those who approve the message. But do not haemorrhage energy on those who are not interested. The message is not for them. Their path leads elsewhere.

The second method was Book 5 in its entirety. You will discover it through the Skew System's External Worship. We built that program to produce the most habitable outside environment for your spirit by remodelling your life into a well-oiled machine, one that fires robustly on all cylinders, raising then maintaining the highest vibration available. The Skew System will gradually eradicate Low-Quality Conflict from your story, the kind that the Universe witnesses repeatedly via millions upon millions of humans every day. Moreover, in doing so, your mind will be hindered by fewer nagging distractions, allowing your thoughts to flow freely, open to receive instruction from the greater Universe. (Further reading: Book 6's Keeping the Mind Clean).

The third and final method is what concerns these conclusing Pencil chapters. It is about locating your True Path and following it as close to yourself as possible.

It is also yet another example of how we differ from many mindfulness practices that try to teach you who you are. That's a cute little exercise, but we believe that who you are is far less important than who you want to be.

Who you are is forever shifting, at least on a mental plane. Even worse, it's out of your control. You will change from year to year based on prolonged external conditioning, intense experiences, and age-related hormonal alterations, to highlight but a minimal amount of ingredients. These examples have the potential to completely uproot your personality, proving how unstable that part of you is. Remember that it takes only one strong blow to the skull and who you "are" could be gone in an instant.

That is why we find more value in discovering who you want to be. By this clarification alone, your mind adjusts its sails in that direction and seeks stepping stones that can lead to the outcome. Without requiring much conscious effort, you will pick out and discard the fragments of yourself that are not congruent to your transformation. Then you'll practice amplifying the elements which serve the mission towards your intended self. This hunt will heighten your energy until who you are is a whole different person, one whose presence shines brighter and brighter, offering the world an advanced version of who you are now. So don't be yourself! Be better than that!

Janthopoyism believes that your life is bigger than you. To sustain an existence that is not extraordinary is a betrayal of that life itself. To "accept yourself as who you are" is a lazy and selfish cop-out. Instead, one must be determined to persistently improve who they are in all areas. Your mind may make excuses to throttle your growth, but this is merely your brain failing to recognise your portion of divinity. You must transcend these bland thoughts by refusing to stay stagnant; endlessly seeking your exclusive mixture of progression meets joyfulness. That is the only surefire way to provide the freshest info for the Universe to use in its future evolutionary development. According to Janthopoyism, that is how we know we are worshipping the Universal Energy to the best of our ability.

Thankfully, when considering the infinite combinations of mental properties that each brain possesses, every action and thought you execute will unquestionably be data presented unlike anything ever seen before, beneficial to the Universe right out of the tin. But to linger within this uninspired default stance is to do a disservice to your blessings. You must aim to maximise them as your most valuable contribution! The Point of the Pencil Program will extend numerous techniques, but for this chapter, we shall discuss the process of genuinely freeing yourself of societal pressures and conditioned responses. Only then will every action and thought be profoundly in accordance with yourself as individualistic energy. You would adhere to your happiness on autopilot, and therefore, your True Path would naturally unfurl at your feet.

But please be warned that the following paragraphs might be tough for you to swallow, and your conditioning might reject them as an auto-defence mechanism. Do not fight it, for fighting is the fastest way to start a fight. Just absorb the reflections for now. They may or may not find their slot in your expansion shortly.

As soon as you assert yourself under any label, you train your individuality to fit into a smaller category. Classifications that are pro or anti-anything, such as religious, political, sociological, national, dietary, professional, economic, or sexual (to name but very few), are going to guide your mental evolution along a track that was already somewhat carved out for you. We appreciate that locating like-minded humans and "finding your tribe" seems essential to weed out those who vibrate on incongruent levels, but in reality, you are creating division away from the unified system that includes everyone. Suddenly uncovering an element of yourself that fits a particular narrative can momentarily boost your advancement, and that's worthwhile. But it can ultimately damage your evolution if you sink too comfortably into it. From an evolutionary standpoint, the highest objective is to eradicate borders, leaving freedom of individuals where these separations are not even a factor in conversation.

So, if you define yourself by some descriptor when you write your bio like "a proud (x)" or "a fierce (y)", you are not developing! You're hammering a piece of your person into a summary that you did not write! Instead, use these self-realisations as progressive platforms that grant an elevated perception of your inner-land, now a grander viewpoint to locate the next platform still. Don't ever stay anywhere!

Progression is everything to Janthopoyism. When people identify as cats or marry their favourite tree, these ideas may appear incomprehensible to most of us, but please contemplate them using an evolutionary attitude. Such minds shoot forward on the harmless precipice of expansion, providing unimaginable data that could not have persisted merely centuries ago. Of course, we're not saying everyone's path needs to be as extreme, but if you can truly touch the depths of your uniqueness and capture your core personality, then your story will be just as unparalleled and unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Moving into deeper uncomfortables, and consider that the application of mental disorder terminology can hinder an individual. As discussed previously, our brains are out of control machines that misfire self-created reports at the best of times, and our personalities have spawned from this madness. There is no such thing as a "normal mind" on Earth, yet the study of psychology is dependent on its boundaries. Whenever specialists note cerebral similarities between patients, they rush to name the group, collecting mixed plausible signs that could apply to the term. You don't even need all of the symptoms! Just so long as some characteristics match, a neurological condition can be "identified", and one can pursue treatment.

"Under the present brutal and primitive conditions on this planet, every person you meet should be regarded as one of the walking wounded. We have never seen a man or woman not slightly deranged by either anxiety or grief. We have never seen a totally sane human being." ― Robert Anton Wilson

Labelling is essentially compartmentalising components of a person's personality then dumbing them down to shove them into workable packages. Without the terms and vague definitions, these disorders would not specifically endure, and we would tackle undesirable character qualities on a case-by-case basis. But instead, we diagnose each brain with familiar pages from the same textbook then cover them with blankets of medication or streamlined therapeutic programs. The threat then increases once that mind accepts itself to have this illness. It may seek to fulfil the rest of the disorder's spectrum to reinforce the medical conclusion, ultimately multiplying the symptoms to fit inside of that box. And you can get really sick and really stuck in there.

Please understand that we are not claiming the world is ready to abolish labels. On the contrary, these constructs have social value and can generate a spark of elated improvement. For all our endless mental differences, every human brain organ grows in much the same fashion, and therefore our traits will overlap on portions of similar scopes. The examination of our likeness has significant benefits in the medical field, and many have found exceptional success because of them. So let it be and allow people to call you whatever. If someone asks you if you are an (x) or a (y), affirm or deny when the answer advances the conversation. But ideally, the exclusive label you should ever use to describe yourself is your name. Everything else must remain free to explore without fully committing to any which way. Only then are you liberated from convictions by keeping each door open whether you walk through them or not.

Our suggestion is to casually shed yourself of anything that chains you to whatever categorisation, for these only add weight and staple you to what is rather than what could be. The present moment is an opportunity to calculate the next step, building an enhanced future that resonates with your happiness and assists all energy around you (including the Universe as a whole). It is less about you and more about your capability, which will be far different from anyone else in any predetermined category, so says the one-of-a-kind design of yourself.

And that is The Point of Janthopoyism. It is the refusal to be defined by anything beyond where you are going. It is knowing that the greatest way to profit the Universe is to uncover what reverberates with your true self. It is dedicating your life to that best version of you, except concentrating a little further in the future. It is the investigation of uncharted territories and experiencing experiences you have never experienced berfore⁠—or even better, that nobody has ever experienced before, offering cutting-edge perception to the Universe through your life. It is demanding that everything processed by your mind is either original data or improved on data. It is saying yes to new things. It is saying no to old things. It is about unadulterated, unapologetic progression as an individual/species/world propelled by positive emotions. It is about eradicating fear for anything other than repetition and mediocrity. And it is about pushing yourself forward in a way that is in tune with your core joy while assisting every lucky organism that happens upon your blessed path.

Hence we say that Janthopoyism is a future-driven philosophy.
And that is what we shall continue to enhance for the remainder of Book 6.

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Janthopoyism is a spiritual philosophy meets self-improvement program.
We view the Absolute collection of all Universal Energy to be the highest power. You are part of that power. You are an extension of divinity.
The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

Join the movement before it becomes too mainstream.

© All words by Jared Woods, 2022