
Sacred Travel: Taipei Confucius Temple

#holythrowback to early-2023 when I visited The Taipei Confucius Temple in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Initially completed in 1879 under Qing dynasty rule, the Japanese demolished this temple when they took over the island in 1895. Thankfully, they rebuilt it in 1930, just in time for... World War II! Traditional Chinese ceremonies were banned during this period, and the temple was used primarily for Japanese Shinto beliefs. In 1945, the Japanese handed Taiwan back to the Republic of China, and they could resume some Confucian order.
The Taipei Confucius Temple is modelled after the original Confucius Temple in Qufu, Confucius’ hometown. Meanwhile, Confucianism itself is such an interesting religion that it can be complicated to register it as a religion whatsoever. With a hefty focus on traditional social values and ethics, other descriptions include a philosophy, a theory of government, and a way of life.
Speaking of interesting, I was surprised to find some rather peculiar things in this temple, including cartoonified sculptures of Confucius (photo 2), a stamp (photo 3), and a video game (photos 4 and 5) in which you ride a horse and cart.
Like many Eastern countries, tallying the religions of Taiwan can be challenging as they mix and match faiths as they please. 35.1% of the population identifies as Buddhists and 33% as Taoists, but even these figures are misleading as almost everything falls under a wider Taiwanese folk religion umbrella. Confucianism is significantly followed yet unfairly absorbed into the aforementioned. However, Xuanyuanism claims 0.7% of the people as a Confucian branch that worships Huangdi as “God”.

 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
 sacredtravel East_Asia Taiwan Taipei Taipei Confucius Temple
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© All words by Jared Woods, 2023