
Sacred Travel: Institut du Monde Arabe

#holythrowback to 2021 when I visited The Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, France.
Translated to “Arab World Institute”, the Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) was founded in 1980 with an important purpose: to assist France in better understanding Arabic beliefs. They do so by offering a museum of Islamic Art, a library, an auditorium, and a restaurant, each used to teach about the cultural and spiritual values of the demographic.
In a clever move, the IMA constructed an alluring building that is impossible to ignore. Designed by Architecture-Studio/Jean Nouvel, it cost €230,000,000 to assemble 240 photo-sensitive motor-controlled shutters that automaricallty control the interior light depending on how the sun hits it. Such an effect is common in Islamic architecture due to the harsh climates in the Middle East.
Scenes from Michel Houellebecq’s best-seller novel Submission take place on the building’s rooftop. The book found great critical acclaim, but there were concerns that it hinted towards Islamophobic undertones. The New York Times defended the story, claiming it “plays on French fears of terrorism, immigration and changing demographics.”
Christianity still dominates the French land, with 49% followers (47% Roman Catholic). That’s a 33% drop since 1986. “No Religion” is around 33%, while Islam comes in at 4%.

 sacredtravel Europe France Paris Institut du Monde Arabe
 sacredtravel Europe France Paris Institut du Monde Arabe
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The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
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© All words by Jared Woods, 2023