
Sacred Travel: The Platonic Academy

#holythrowback to 2021 when I visited the ruins of the Platonic Academy in Athens, Greece.
The Academy was founded in 387 BC by perhaps the most consequential philosopher of all time, Plato. Many other big names (such as Aristotle) studied here, and with their combined mind power, they developed the profoundly influential philosophical system named Platonism.
The Roman dictator, Sulla, destroyed the Academy in 86 BC, but you cannot kill an idea. The principles were in motion, evolved by Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus to create Neoplatonism.
If you explore religion in depth, you quickly realise how Neoplatonism (and the similar Greek doctrine of Hermeticism) stood as the trunk for so much organised spirituality to come. Both early Christian and Islamic scholars discussed the texts at immense lengths, but it was the wild esoteric beliefs that truly thrived in these thoughts, including Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Thelema and Wicca. Yet, Neoplatonism still feels far more advanced than all of them. And it all started right here. These grounds heard cosmic secrets; I assure you this.
While I was visiting, the heavens opened up, lightning and thunder co-occurring, the storm dancing directly above my metal umbrella, ready to murder me in a literal flash. I was terrified as I made my way home, crossing roads that had become rivers, gushing past my ankles. And when everybody’s phone in Athens warned us to stay indoors, I knew this was no joke.
I survived and returned the next day to take extra photos, disappointed to find the site had drowned beneath the flood.
The Greek Orthodox Church dominates the country with a 90% stronghold, but the history of Athens is far richer than its current Christian ways, and I look forward to showing you more of these places soon.

 sacredtravel Europe Greece Athens The Platonic Academy
 sacredtravel Europe Greece Athens The Platonic Academy
 sacredtravel Europe Greece Athens The Platonic Academy
 sacredtravel Europe Greece Athens The Platonic Academy
 sacredtravel Europe Greece Athens The Platonic Academy
 sacredtravel Europe Greece Athens The Platonic Academy
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Janthopoyism is a spiritual philosophy meets self-improvement program.
We view the Absolute collection of all Universal Energy to be the highest power. You are part of that power. You are an extension of divinity.
The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

Join the movement before it becomes too mainstream.

© All words by Jared Woods, 2023