
Sacred Travel: Hallgrimskirkja

#holythrowback to 2023 when I visited Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Hallgrímur Pétursson (1614–1674) was an Icelandic writer best known for his poems about Jesus’ final period, the Passion Hymns. Pétursson’s home country loved him so much that they named this distinctive structure after him, and for many reasons, this honour supersedes his former achievements.
Hallgrimskirkja is perhaps the most impressive establishment in Iceland. At 244 ft high, it is the second-largest building and the tallest church this nation offers. It took 41 years to build, which isn’t surprising when you admire those sexy curves.
75.1% of the population follows Christianity, but it goes deeper than that. 58.61% went down the major Protestantism branch of Lutheranism, predictably coining their movement as the Church of Iceland. There must be something in the area, as their Nordic friends (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden) are also predominantly Lutheran, along with Latvia and, weirdly, Namibia.
But even more fascinating is the 2nd most popular belief system, namely Ásatrú, at 1.5%. This registered pagan religious group is built upon Icelandic folklore, where nature is divinity, and tax laws should not apply to them. Furthermore, while Christianity’s numbers are shrinking, the Ásatrú continue to grow. It shouldn’t be too much of a shock to anyone, as over 50% of Icelanders also believe that elves or fairies exist, otherwise known as the Huldufólk (hidden people).

 sacredtravel Europe Iceland Reykjavik Hallgrimskirkja
 sacredtravel Europe Iceland Reykjavik Hallgrimskirkja
 sacredtravel Europe Iceland Reykjavik Hallgrimskirkja
 sacredtravel Europe Iceland Reykjavik Hallgrimskirkja
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The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

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© All words by Jared Woods, 2023