
Sacred Travel: The Last Supper

#holythrowback to 2021 when I visited The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy.
Painted from 1495 to 1498, it’s difficult to name a more recognisable artwork, and even if you manage, it’ll probably be by da Vinci still. However, unlike other such works, this masterpiece did not disappoint as it is massive, brushed directly onto a wall, and crammed with secret symbolism. The position of each character’s hands alone tells many stories.
Like a polaroid snapshot from the Gospel of John, here the disciples are caught animated by shock after Jesus announces that one of them will betray him. Judas (third to Christ’s right) falls into a shadow of shame, tipping over the salt. Thomas lifts his finger, which he will later shove inside Jesus’ wounds. Peter holds a knife foreshadowing how he will cut off the ear of the Malchus. John’s transcendental feminity sparked conspiracy theories that "he" was MaryMagdalene (a significant plot point in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code).
Sadly, the original painting has essentially vanished, and what remains are restorations that continue to crumble to dust. Simon the Zealot (way on our right) is entirely featureless now. So go see it soon! Especially because Milan (while not the most inspirational Italian city) carries a strange darkness within its spirituality, and I hold ample creepy content to show you in the future. It’s also a Leo playground, each corner milking their once-resident for every dime he’s worth, an impressively lucrative industry considering we’re 500-odd years past his death. Plus, this wasn’t even his home town!

 sacredtravel Europe Italy Milan The Last Supper
 sacredtravel Europe Italy Milan The Last Supper
 sacredtravel Europe Italy Milan The Last Supper
 sacredtravel Europe Italy Milan The Last Supper
 sacredtravel Europe Italy Milan The Last Supper
 sacredtravel Europe Italy Milan The Last Supper
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Janthopoyism is a spiritual philosophy meets self-improvement program.
We view the Absolute collection of all Universal Energy to be the highest power. You are part of that power. You are an extension of divinity.
The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

Join the movement before it becomes too mainstream.

© All words by Jared Woods, 2023