
Sacred Travel: Holy Cross Church

#holythrowback to 2021, when I visited the Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw, Poland.
Constructed in 1682, there is one distinct feature that this holy building can boast that no other can: the heart of the genius Polish composer Frédéric Chopin. The man died in Paris (1849) and was buried in Père Lachaise Cemetery (probably the most famous graveyard in the world). However, it was his final wish that they brought his heart back to his homeland, and his sister honoured the request, secretly removing the organ and smuggling it across borders in some cognac.
Sadly, the Nazis demolished this building in 1944, as they did to just about the entire city. To further crush the nation’s spirit, they stole the heart as their own. Once the war ended, Germany sheepishly returned the organ, and the gradual rebuilding process began, the church taking from 1945 to 1953 to regain its former glory. The heart lived happily back in place, resting easily inside this concrete pillar.
Keep swiping, and you’ll find a painting of St. Thaddaeus, also known as Jude the Apostle (not Judas!). He is the patron saint of lost causes and difficult situations. People come to the church to pray to this painting, and if Jude answers your desires, you must return to gift the church with money, necklaces, or by purchasing a small sign of gratitude.
Poland is one of the most religious countries in Europe, with a 2018 census revealing that a whopping 96.8% of the people are Christian, 91.9% of which are Catholic.

 sacredtravel Europe Poland Warsaw Holy Cross Church
 sacredtravel Europe Poland Warsaw Holy Cross Church
 sacredtravel Europe Poland Warsaw Holy Cross Church
 sacredtravel Europe Poland Warsaw Holy Cross Church
 sacredtravel Europe Poland Warsaw Holy Cross Church
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Janthopoyism is a spiritual philosophy meets self-improvement program.
We view the Absolute collection of all Universal Energy to be the highest power. You are part of that power. You are an extension of divinity.
The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

Join the movement before it becomes too mainstream.

© All words by Jared Woods, 2023