
Sacred Travel: The Chapel of Saint Petka

#holythrowback to 2022 when I visited The Chapel of Saint Petka in Belgrade, Serbia.
This tale starts with a sacred spring said to have healing properties, most notably gifting sight to those who were blind. People built an old chapel around it, but it was in terrible condition. That’s when Varnava Rosić (the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, 1930 to 1937) stepped up to construct a new establishment worthy of the holy water.
He founded the chapel in 1937 on Saint Petka’s feast day. Petka (or Saint Paraskeva of the Balkans) is a female saint from the 10th century. After receiving visions of the Virgin Mary, she settled at a convent near the River Jordan and died at age 27, a lesser-known member of that rockstar club.
During the chapel’s construction, they discovered an even older temple beneath the ground, which proves how long people have drank from this special natural well. The practice continues today, but now they serve it in plastic bottles, and you must pay for it.
The church is situated in the Belgrade Fortress (279 BC), which is worth the visit alone.
The aforementioned Serbian Orthodoxy rules the country with a massive 81.1% following. Islam comes in at a much smaller 4.2% second.

 sacredtravel Europe Serbia Belgrade The Chapel of Saint Petka
 sacredtravel Europe Serbia Belgrade The Chapel of Saint Petka
 sacredtravel Europe Serbia Belgrade The Chapel of Saint Petka
 sacredtravel Europe Serbia Belgrade The Chapel of Saint Petka
 sacredtravel Europe Serbia Belgrade The Chapel of Saint Petka
 sacredtravel Europe Serbia Belgrade The Chapel of Saint Petka
 sacredtravel Europe Serbia Belgrade The Chapel of Saint Petka
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© All words by Jared Woods, 2023