
Sacred Travel: L Ron Hubbard House

#holythrowback to 2020 when I visited the L. Ron Hubbard House (aka the first Church of Scientology EVER) in Washington DC, USA.
I love visiting Scientology establishments because they shoot my anxiety into orbit. You always get the sense that an underlying mission of conversion is going on, which pours mass fuel into the excitement pile. And there is no bigger landmark in the church’s history than this one!
L. Ron Hubbard bought the building in 1955, the same year he founded the religion/cult/business. He ran his personal office within these walls from 1956 to 1961. That is why the (highly recommended) tour of these rooms was very educational, as it featured stacks of memorabilia you won’t find anywhere else.
That was THE desk he sat at. To my right is THE typewriter he wrote on. To my left is THE suit he wore. In the second photo is THE first edition of Dianetics (Scientology Book 1) which I have read and enjoyed so much that it made me go crazy for a little bit. You just know that many weird thoughts were born in this place, and the atmosphere traps them well. I was actually super geeking out, which the old Scientology tour guide appreciated.
Regardless of your opinion of the theology, Mr Hubbard was an undeniable genius. His life and achievements were no joke, and he’s an absolute inspiration to me as a writer and someone with such an unquenchable ambition. That said, there are numerous elements of his teachings I happily skip on by.
65% of America’s capital is Christian. 25% are unaffiliated. As per everywhere, Scientology’s tiny stats don’t register.

 sacredtravel North_America USA Washington_DC L Ron Hubbard House
 sacredtravel North_America USA Washington_DC L Ron Hubbard House
 sacredtravel North_America USA Washington_DC L Ron Hubbard House
 sacredtravel North_America USA Washington_DC L Ron Hubbard House
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Janthopoyism is a spiritual philosophy meets self-improvement program.
We view the Absolute collection of all Universal Energy to be the highest power. You are part of that power. You are an extension of divinity.
The ultimate purpose of this power is to evolve, and we each have a unique part to play in this progression. The details of your role are relayed to you every moment of your life via emotional notifications.

The tricky bit is that human beings have developed a communication barrier between themselves and this instruction.
This barrier is called "the brain".
But never fear! By utilising some very simple practices, you can open the flow of exchange, granting you access to the ether of infinite ideas, the infallible path of your guided destiny, and the recollection of your holiness.

Which is basically a wanky way of saying that your life is about to get a whole bunch better.

Join the movement before it becomes too mainstream.

© All words by Jared Woods, 2023